
Rashelle Platt

I just finished a session with Laurie and it was so beautiful, exciting, ease-y and insightful! This session was in regards to my inner child. We tapped into her energy and she led me to our “special place”. She gave me special messages from her to me. Laurie gave me insights and tips on how to continue to connect with her, access her energy and infuse it into every space! My challenge with my inner child was allowing her joy into my heart and my life and Laurie gave me insights and tips on how to do just that! I have so many tools, tips, insights and activities to do to assist with the growth and connection of my inner child, I’m very grateful! It all flowed in so easily but with such strength and it was so fun! Thank you, Laurie so much! I highly recommend her sessions! ???

Lisseth W

Working with Laurie Nelson was phenomenal. She was very gentle and kind and led me to a place of great awareness where I got exactly the messages that I needed to hear in alignment with my intention.
Thank you so much, Laurie!


Stephanie Hoffman

Laurie is one who will always speak from her heart and wants nothing but the best for her clients and their progress. She is always thinking of new and creative ways to incorporate her ever growing knowledge into her practice with her clients, so that they are always receiving the best that she has to offer. ?If you are looking to deeply bloom into your best self, to connect with your intuitive wisdom and power as you thrive with confidence in your life, then Laurie is your girl. Her life is full of joy from every angle and this is what she wants for her clients in every sense. Don’t let her calm ways fool you either, she is more hip than I am in a lot of ways, just ask her to show you her dance moves!

Stephanie Hoffman
Business Strategist and Owner at My Zestful Life


Jenny Parkin

I worked with Laurie when I was in a pretty dark place. Her warmth and love managed to radiate down the phone as we talked and by discussing how I was feeling and thinking, we were able to obtain some pretty powerful mental imagery. During the call, I managed to achieve what felt like a peaceful trance-like state (which considering I was riddled with anxiety at the time, was nothing short of was miraculous) during which I was able to isolate the different areas of my psyche that were struggling. Through Laurie’s gentle questioning I was able to name these parts of me and could see them so clearly in my minds eye. It was beautiful. A game changer. Once I had separated them from myself I was able to care for the parts that needed it and draw strength from the stronger parts I know are there. 

The knowledge of self I received in the space of one call was incredible and you can tell just by speaking to her, how much she cares. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to connect with her. Wonderful, gifted lady. I highly recommend.


Estelle M

Laurie was the motivation I needed to take the next steps to go for what I wanted in my life! Her guidance provided me the safety needed to take risks beyond what I thought possible in my relationship, career and in my overall life. I trust myself so much more after our work together and no longer beat myself up so much. Her warmth mixed with her direct style allowed me to see how I blocked myself so often, and looked outside for healing instead of within. So grateful to be in a wonderful place in my life that feels free, authentic and secure!


 Krystal Couture

Laurie is an extremely passionate coach and mentor who gives her all and clearly wants success for her clients. I love her positivity and drive.. I recommend her to soul searchers, entrepreneurs and new business owners!



Taylor B

After attending Laurie’s workshop/ women’s circle in SF, I felt so amazing and renewed. It was an honor and I can’t recommend these enough. I almost stayed home but am thrilled that I pushed myself to attend. The moment I walked in the room, and felt Laurie’s embrace, I knew I was right where I was supposed to be.



Susannah Howard

Working with Laurie was a powerful experience. She is so authentic, understanding and personable and is able to hold space in such a Devine way where you feel safe to share and be seen. Through movement, meditation, dance and “real talk,” Laurie helped me tap into my intuition and find the clarity I needed to move forward in my life!



Lisa B

Laurie has inspired me to walk a new growth path. She is always so insightful and grounding as a coach. She reminds me that there is no “right way” to do spirituality. When I doubt myself, she reminds me again that I’m human.. and that it’s okay to do what works for ME. So supported and accepted to move forward one step at a time in my own way.

Carol S.

Laurie created such a safe and nurturing space for her women’s circle I attended. Women shared their deepest feelings and their truth to work towards self- empowerment and healing. I felt stronger and nourished when I left, and enjoyed the guided visualizations and other creative ways she connected us.


Andrea S.

Laurie is a master therapist who understands what “ego conditioning” is and how to separate that from our “higher or true self.” She helps people understand how to develop a more intimate relationship with themselves. She is super compassionate, patient and highly intuitive. She helped me achieve a big  breakthrough by encouraging me to step outside of judgement and into my true desire. She encouraged me to feel my feelings and to realize there are no right or wrong answers, but only connecting to ones truth. The best part about working with Laurie is that she’s not only highly intuitive, but she is also very spiritual which I feel is a great combination, making her one of the best healers out there.


After working with Laurie Laurie It was phenomenal. She was very gentle and kind and led me to a place of great awareness where I got exactly the messages that I needed to hear in alignment with my intention. She guided me to the knowingness of my inner wisdom and my inner child. What a gift!